Week 1, Day 3
Written on 18.6.09 by Six
Day 3 tasks:
Become our own followers
Meet and Greet
Begin memo revision
What is SL?
1. Become our own followers: Great job setting up your Twitter Feeds and Blogs! I've set up a Google document so that we can share this information. Be sure to follow each other--it's a great way to interact and get to know your classmates. After all, you're all co-workers! Each of you should have received an email inviting you to view the document. If you haven't used Google docs before, you'll find it's similar to Word. If you'd like to learn more, go to the Google docs homepage and take a tour or watch the video.
2. Meet and greet: it's just as important to get to know each other offline as it is online. Let's take a moment to introduce ourselves with a firm handshake. A good handshake is an important part of first impressions!
3. Begin memo revision: On Day 2 I asked you to type up the diagnostic that we did in class (please return the original, handwritten copy to me) and to do a little research of our own on the topic. What did you find out? We can share some of our links on Google docs.
So what is a memo? And how do we write a clear, complete, conversational, concise, concrete, constructive and correct memo? Go to the memo activity on Netfiles where we will discuss preparing to write business letters and memos and planning your writing.
Next, get into small groups and start your own Google doc (one document per group). Name the file "Day 3 memo planning practice, [team name]" and put your names at the top. For each of the writing assignments in activity 1, go through the four steps of preparing to write, discuss them with your group and make preparatory notes. When you're done, use the email list in our Google doc: ESL 505, X1 Blogs and Twittersto share the file with everyone. Take a moment to see what the other groups did, too!
Finally, do some research of your own. Owl Purdue's tutorial on memo writing is a great place to start. Use what you've learned so far to begin revising your memo on dress code. Be sure to keep all your drafts! (i.e. "Faivre_memo draft 1" and "Faivre_memo draft 2"). Use whatever file names you like as long as it includes your name and the draft number.
4. What is SL?: As you know, we'll be using Second Life businesses for our final business proposal project this semester, so we all need to set up accounts. Go to the What's SL? page on this blog to learn more.
Homework Summary: Live journals! Don't forget that your first live journal assignments are due Sunday at noon. Be sure to meet the minimum requirements.
Begin revisions of your memo. Monday we will learn more about writing concisely and trade papers in class, so be sure you have made some revisions before then! Remember, the final, graded draft will be due on Day 6.
Open a Second Life account and try to spend some time in orientation. We'll learn more in class on Monday. Your experiences in SL make great blog and twitter topics!