Week 3, Day 8

Written on 1.7.09 by Six

Day 8 tasks:
Review of personality test
Avoiding Plagiarism: Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Quoting

1. Review of personality test: I noticed that some of you are tweeting about your personality! that's great. Remember that the minimum live journal requirement each week must be related to class. After that you can include whatever else you like! On day 7, we got into our business proposal groups by mixing up personalities. First, follow this link and spend a few minutes learning more about yourself and your teammates: Insight Learning Personality Information.

2. Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Quoting: Because you are researching for your business proposals, we'll spend some time talking about researching and how to avoid plagiarism.

  • What is plagiarism and how can I be "safe"? (Lecture)
  • How do I cite my sources? (Split your business proposal group in half and work in small groups.)
  • You will be using paraphrasing, summarizing and quotations to integrate sources. Let's first see some examples of paraphrasing and summarizing. Then, open your google doc where you summarized the SL article for today. How did you do? Now that you know some strategies for summarizing, what do you see that you need to change?
  • In your small groups, combine your three google docs into one. Then discuss the comparisons and contrasts. As a small group, use the strategies you learned today to write ONE summary. Then, rejoin the other members of your business proposal team. You now have two summaries of the same article. Choose the one you think is the best and make final revisions for next class. Share this google doc with me and be prepared to discuss your strategy and summary in class tomorrow (day 9).
Please review the material for today. Also, find out which documentation style is used in your major: MLA, APA, Chicago...?
Combine your summaries using the strategies you learned in class today.
Make sure everyone in class is on your SL friends list!

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