Week 5, Day 13

Written on 13.7.09 by Six

Day 13 tasks:
Proposal Objectives follow-up
Scavenger Hunt follow-up
Building in SL (final orientation activity!)
Schedule Board Room Meetings

1. Proposal Objectives follow-up: Today I will meet with each group for about 5 minutes only. We will discuss the business plan outline that you turned in over the weekend. Next, you will each write up a short, businesslike notecard to your business owner. You will send a copy to the business owner and to me. This should be in letter format and include the following:

  1. Introduce your team
  2. Primary objective (keep it brief for now)
  3. Questions you may have
2. Scavenger Hunt follow-up: We have a winner! "Geibriel Rae" was the first to submit the completed notecard. Each of her team members received 500L for completing the tasks. Nice job, Yuan-Ling, Lynn and Betul! I hope you all feel a little more familiar with SL. If your team has not completed the task, you may still get a prize by turning it in this week.

4. Schedule Board Room Meetings: Your group will need to meet with me for their 20 minute Board Room Meeting. You should have an extensive draft of your business plan at this meeting! Go to the google doc containing the board room schedule and sign up for a time (one time per group). Meeting locations will be posted later this week. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT MISS THIS MEETING. It counts as an oral grade. You will all be expected to participate verbally and to have participated in the written proposal process by this date.

Keep up with your journals! You only have 2 more weeks with them.

Don't forget that you have an article summary due on Thursday. These must be emailed to me by midnight on Thursday, July 16th! Be sure the file name has your name, summary, and info about the article.

Continue to meet with your groups. You will need to be working this week! Remember that board room meetings are quickly approaching!

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